22 Mar 2023 Tunnel Excavation: Itinera speaks at the conference of the Swedish Rock Engineering Association
On March 22, Eng. Luigi Bonora, Project Manager for the excavation and extension of the Stockholm Metro Line conducted by ITINERA, spoke at the conference on “Tunneling Excavation”, organized in Stockholm by the Swedish Rock Engineering Association (formerly known as the Rock Blasting Committee), the national association of companies operating in the design, construction and management of underground works.
The ITINERA project will result in the expansion of the Stockholm Metro through the construction of two new stations, Arenastaden and Södra Hagalund, the main connecting tunnel and the service tunnel.
Itinera, thanks to the intervention of Eng. Bonora, had the opportunity to illustrate the work in progress in Arenastaden, describing in detail the implementation methods of the excavation phases in this particularly complex area, characterized by a reduced rock cover and geotechnical fractures.
The excavation activities of the Arenastaden tunnel began in mid-October 2022 and have led, to date, to the movement of approximately 35,000 cubic meters of rock.
Completion of the works is scheduled for August 2026.
Also participated in the event, of great importance for operators in the sector Region Stockholm, final client of the project, and WSP, on behalf of the clien
Region Stockholm, final client of the project, and WSP, consultancy company on behalf of the client, also participated in the event, which was of great importance for operators in the industry.