

«Itinera for People, for the Planet and for Prosperity: the three “P” that characterize the purpose of our activity.»

Luciano G. Reguzzo
Chief Executive Officer

Our purpose

Itinera pursues a sustainable development policy with a view to improving its performance and satisfying in full the expectations of all its stakeholders.

Its sustainability policy is underpinned by a major economic and organisational commitment based on adoption of internationally certified safety, environment and quality management systems, and rigorous procedures requiring employees and partners to act in a responsible manner.

UN Global Compact

Itinera, since July 2024, has joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest strategic corporate sustainability initiative. Participation in this Initiative enables us to make a concrete contribution to the promotion of a sustainable global economy that respects human and labor rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.

Impact measurement

5.502mln €
Overall economic impact
Direct, indirect and related (2023)
Employment impact in workers
Direct, indirect and satellite (2023)

The Sustainability Plan is based on the following strategic guidelines:


  • Reducing CO2 emissions
  • Improving infrastructure resilience
  • Reducing the impact of new projects
  • Responsible use of resources


  • Promoting diversity and inclusion
  • Human capital development
  • Health, safety and data protection
  • Contribution to local area and community development
  • Improving road safety


  • Promotion of ethical corporate culture
  • Adoption of transparent and fair procurement practices
  • Adoption of transparent and responsible business conduct

Itinera and ASTM Group’s 2022-2026 Sustainability Plan sets concrete targets for the areas of “Environment”, “Social” and “Governance” and includes, among other things, targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 2030 defined on a scientific basis, aligned with ambition 1,5 of the Paris Agreement and validated by SBTi.

The Plan’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Direct contribution

Indirect contribution