08 Jul 2022 Romania: Romanian Authorities open the New Satu Mare Ring Road
Today, the New Ring Road of Satu Mare has been opened to the traffic at the presence of the Romanian Authorities, the Vice Prime Minister Hunor KELEMEN, the Minister of Internal Affairs Lucian Nicolae BODE and the Minister of National Defense Vasile DÎNCU.
ITINERA built the infrastructure for the Compania Nationala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere S.A. (C.N.A.I.R. S.A.).
The ring road is located in the Satu Mare County between the national roads DN 19A (km 41+900) and DN19 (km 135+960). The project consists of 19.54 km of national road (5.60 km road with two lanes and 10 m platform and 13.94 km road with 4 lanes and 18.50 m platform), 3 level intersections, 4 road junctions, 10 bridges passages and 2 parking lots.