04 Jul 2019 Itinera wins the contract for the final design and construction of the new central sewer of Turin
Itinera, a Gavio Group company and international player in the construction of large infrastructural works, will carry out the works of the new central sewer for the south-western district of the metropolitan area of Turin, and the restoration of the existing sewer in the southern part of the city.
The project is worth approximately € 120 million (Itinera, with a 51% share, is the leader of the joint venture with Ghella).
The client is SMAT, the Società Metropolitana Acque Torino (Metropolitan Water Company of Turin).
To guarantee the reliability of Turin metropolitan area sewerage system, the project will involve the construction of a new infrastructure, consisting of a tunnel with a diameter of 3.2 meters laid at a great depth, with the purpose to guarantee that, during repairs or inspections, a back-up will be available for both the existing large intermunicipal sewer and another, smaller sewer located at the south of the city.
The tunnels will be excavated mechanically using a TBM/EPB with an internal diameter of 3.2 meters for a length of approximately 9,200 meters, micro-tunnelling with a diameter of 1.6 meters for approximately 2,400 meters, and traditional tunnelling with an excavation diameter of 1.6 meters for approximately 880 meters.
The entire project will stretch for approximately 14 km through the city of Turin, linking the south of the city at the border with Moncalieri to the north-west district, and involving the excavation of approximately 250,000 mc of material.
The works will last for around five years, including the time required for planning.
“This is a very significant project which will have an enormous impact on the city of Turin – commented Massimo Malvagna, Itinera CEO – Our work sites will be in the very heart of the city, just as our current contracts in Genoa to ensure the safety against flooding of the river Bisagno or in Abu Dhabi for the construction of one of the largest Malls in the Middle East. We will be working with the very best technologies and top expertise to carry out an extremely important project of environmental clean-up for the city of Turin, while at the same time minimizing the impact of the work sites for its citizens.”
Itinera is one of the world’s leading EPC contractor for the construction of large infrastructural projects. The company operated in the United States, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Middle East, with a portfolio of projects worth around € 5,0 billion.