27 May 2024 Itinera celebrates first breakthrough on Solna Metro Project, Sweden
1.5 years into the project, Itinera has achieved its first breakthrough on Solna Metro in Stockholm, Sweden. Now the two new stations, Arenastaden and Södra Hagalund, have met. The decisive blast inside the tunnel that led to this important milestone was impressive, removing a total of 540 tons of rock. The track tunnel Itinera is preparing for metro traffic, combined with the service and work tunnels, adds up to 6 kilometers.
In March 2022 Itinera was awarded two contracts in Sweden to build two new sections of the Stockholm metro: Arenastaden – Södra Hagalund and Hammarby Canal. This expansion project is promoted and led by Region Stockholm.
The overall project, entirety managed by Itinera Scandinavia Filial, consist of the construction of a 2.5-kilometer main tunnel, which will extend the existing Green Line of the Stockholm Metro, the associated service tunnel, two stop stations, and four descents from the surface, two at each station. The works are scheduled to be completed by 2026.
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